

Tags the nodes related to the CERN logo.

The CERN logo

The CERN logo is the property of the Organization, it is protected and any usage by third parties is subject to prior approval.
Thank you to ask for autorisation.

Our logo is made up of two components:

The word ‘CERN’, which is the acronym derived from the Organization's first official title: Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, or European Council for Nuclear Research.
The interlaced rings, which are a simplified representation of the accelerator chain and the particle tracks.

These two components cannot be altered:

No changes can be made to their positioning, scale or typography. It is forbidden to separate them or to use them in another design.

In order to preserve the strong impact of the logo, the rules for its use set out in this graphic charter must be rigorously implemented.

To make the logo more versatile and flexible, two versions are available:

the badge and the outline.


Test Design Guidelines page

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