The CERN Brand
Brand, n.
A set of characteristics that distinguishes a product, manufacturer or entity from others in the field.
Our brand defines us.
Our brand says what we do how we work what we value
Our brand says who we are.
It’s what makes us CERN.
We communicate

To perform world-class research in fundamental physics
To unite people from all over the world to push the frontiers of science and technology for
the benefit of all.
• open access to results
• a proactive knowledge transfer policy
• a nurturing environment supporting a diverse community of people
What we do
Knowledge for knowledge’s sake is the most valuable commodity we possess.
Basic research is often considered to be a luxury, yet it is the most valuable asset we have, underpinning innovation from the harnessing of fire to the technologies we will need to deliver a sustainable future.
- Fabiola Gianotti, Director General
It’s all about accelerating science for the benefit of everyone.
Our values
Behaving ethically, with intellectual honesty, and being accountable for one’s own actions.
Demonstrating a high level of motivation and dedication to the Organization.
Producing a high level of results within resource and time constraints and fostering mutual understanding.
Being at the forefront of one’s professional field, furthering innovation and organisational development.
Appreciating differences, fostering equality and promoting collaboration.
CERN makes you push the boundaries of creativity and imagination. You need to think out of the box to solve problems never dealt with before - Google can’t help here!
- Valeria, Physicist
The fact the personnel are from a large variety of locations and backgrounds opens your mind to new ideas, techniques and solutions to tasks.”
- Paul, Technician
The collaborative working environment is one of the major strengths of CERN. There is, quite simply, nothing else like it.
- Zoe, Technology Transfer officer
Working together towards a common goal
Diversity is a core value of CERN, a source of enrichment, innovation and purpose.
Diverse people bring their unique qualities, different perspectives and creativity.
CERN promotes a workplace culture that acknowledges the added value of a diverse workforce and enables every member of its personnel to contribute to their full potential regardless of nationality, gender, age, profession, and individual differences of belief, opinion, sexual orientation or disability.
Under the umbrella of the Code of Conduct
As part of the Human Resources Strategy, the Code of Conduct is the product of a global reflection on CERN values and common standards of behaviour, intended as a guide in helping us to understand how we conduct ourselves, treat others and expect to be treated. It is based on the Organization’s five core values and aims at enhancing transparency, objectivity and clarity.
It’s all about respect
Safety matters

We work to limit the impact of our activities on the environment, and to guarantee best practice in matters of Safety.
Health, safety and environmental protection
To do this we provide
Excellence in Health, Safety and Environmental protection: it’s everyone’s business!
What makes CERN unique?
CERN is part of a global research family. We are one of several laboratories around the world providing facilities for the world’s particle physics community to further the frontiers of knowledge.
But CERN is the only one that has
• over 60 years’ experience in delivering particle accelerators at the cutting edge
• a user community of around 17 000 scientists and engineers representing over 100 nationalities
• the world’s highest-energy particle collider
• beam facilities from the lowest to the highest energies available in a laboratory
Our scientific programme is compelling, unique, diverse, and is integrated into the global particle physics landscape. One of our primary goals is to provide a diverse range of excellent physics opportunities and to put our unique facilities to optimum use, maximising the scientific return.
In a nutshell…
CERN belongs to a globally coordinated particle physics community, providing a unique range of particle accelerator facilities that enable research at the forefront of human knowledge.
European Particle Physics Strategy Update 2018 – 2020
Looking Good
The visual image we present carries an important message to the world: CERN is a modern, innovative organisation with a clear sense of mission.
CERN’s visual identity is a key part of the CERN brand. It is not only important for ensuring the harmony of CERN’s communications; it is also steeped in the Organization’s history. At the heart of our visual identity is the CERN logo.
Being able to identify with the Organization is crucial for those who work here, and CERN’s visual identity plays a symbolic role in this context.
Our logo is the central point of our visual identity.
This logo evokes stability in movement.
To allow for flexibility in the logo’s use, two versions are permitted.
Badge logo
The badge version of the CERN logo may only be used on a clean white background where the CERN blue can be faithfully reproduced.
Outline logo
The outline version of the CERN logo has more colour flexibility. Where the background is not white, the outline logo must be reproduced in black, white or in a grayscale value that offers high contrast and good readability.
Neither element of the logo may be modified in any way. Their relative position and scale, and their typography are fixed.
To allow for flexibility in the logo’s use, two versions are permitted.
Communicating complex science
Communicating complex science in a clear, engaging and accessible way, conveying the value of fundamental knowledge and its contribution to human well-being.
Writing Guidelines
We are engaged in a journey of discovery that is as old as humankind itself.
The timescales for our research are often long.
Society expects absolute certainties from science, yet the reality of research is very different.
We live in a society that is increasingly dependent on science in all walks of life.
And we live in an age in which fundamental science is increasingly asked to show tangible benefits in the short term.
Our tone of voice is
• Precise and free of jargon
• Accessible to our audiences
• Clear and engaging
Like the science that we do, our communications are evidence-based.
We back up our assertions with clear facts.
We avoid dumbing down.
We tailor our messages to our audiences.
We want people to share our excitement for the mission of CERN. We want them to join us on humankind’s incredible voyage of discovery. That’s what CERN is all about.- Design and Visual Identity Service